
Unleash your inner strength with Bloom & Grow

Experience the powerful combination of mental coaching and yoga to free yourself from challenging situations and unlock your full potential. Bloom and Grow supports you on the path to becoming who you want to be.

Bloom & Grow

Wie dir Bloom & Grow hilft.

Through a powerful combination of mental coaching and yoga, Bloom & Grow helps you to let go of negative beliefs and instead develop new, positive behaviours. You will learn to make clear decisions, to reclaim your self-responsibility, to face challenges with courage, to let go of self-sabotage and fears, to accept what is and to let go of what blocks you. I will show you methods to find recognition and appreciation within, to break down blockages and to achieve more clarity and strength through inner guidance and orientation.


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23. - 27. Oktober 2024

Bloom & Grow Retreat 2024

Are you longing for some time out? Treat yourself to a few days of sun, yoga, meditation, exciting workshops and delicious food. Experience a journey of physical regeneration, mental clarity and inner growth, all embedded in the picturesque surroundings of Mallorca.

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Diana Nicoli

Learn more about the person behind Bloom & Grow.

I am Diana, mother of three children and I offer yoga and mental coaching with dedication. I have been practising yoga and meditating daily for over 20 years. Through Breathwork and meditation I have learned how important it is to use your own sources of strength and to feel yourself. My mission is to help others find their inner strength and realise dreams. Let's grow together.

More about me
It is amazing how Diana manages to open my mind and heart. I leave each session calm, peaceful, with a smile and an open heart. Introducing breath work, the chakras and mantras alongside the asanas expands my toolbox for coping with my often hectic daily life in a way I wouldn't have thought.possible.
"Diana has something that no other coach has - the ability to unfold your own deep desire for fundamental change in your life.Her toolbox is rich and her approach to personal challenges is tailored to individual needs.Diana works on the emotional, mental, behavioural and spiritual levels, guiding you through the process of becoming the person you want to be. I am grateful for her guidance and inspiration.
Diana supports her students to find themselves through mindfulness and regular yoga practice. She teaches a holistic style of yoga in which there is room for both physical asanas and spiritual meditation. Her retreats cover all aspects of wellbeing: physical, spiritual, emotional, mental and social, because Diana's positive energy attracts exciting people. I always look forward to taking time out from everyday life.
Diana has the unique ability to guide you through the asanas and at the same time infect everyone with her positive charisma. Her flow is always challenging and supports your body strength. She is someone who never compromises the other the other pillars of yoga, especially the pranayama and meditation.  I can recommend Diana to all yoga lovers out there as she is so dedicated to the cause.
Dianas Yogalektionen kräftigen mich im Äusseren wie im Innern und ich nehme immer viel mit für meinen Alltag. Mit ihrer positiven Strahlkraft gibt sie mir Energie und Leichtigkeit.Und ein besonderes Plus in ihren Stunden sind die Begegnungen mit vielen wunderbaren Menschen, man fühlt sich getragen.
Wir von "AS Aufzügen" durften in unseren Mittagslektionen mit Diana ganz wertvolle Stunden erleben. Diana hat mit ihrer professionellen, kompetenten und empathischen Art unsere Beweglichkeit, Kraft und mentale Stärke gefördert. Sie hat es verstanden jeden Einzelnen von uns individuell in der Praxis zu stärken, zu fördern und unseren Fokus zu schärfen. Nach der Lektion sind wir jeweils mental und körperlich gestärkt und  mit ganz viel neuer Energie in den Arbeitsalltag zurück gekehrt. Wir haben die Stunden mit Diana immer sehr genossen und können Diana aus vollem Herzen weiterempfehlen.
Team AS Aufzüge

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